Biyernes, Nobyembre 8, 2013

Chocolate hills in bohol

Chocolate Hills, bohol Philippines 

Considered by some as the Eighth Wonder of the World, the Chocolate Hills present in Bohol in Philippines are a very unusual geological creation. These hills are some 1268 perfectly cone shaped hills of about the same size which are spread over an area of 19 square miles. These hills have green grass all over them which turns completely brown in the dry season thus giving them their name.
The Chocolate Hills are considered to the most important tourist attraction in Philippines which are even represented on the Provincial flag. These have been proposed for inclusion in the World Heritage Sites list of UNESCO. The hills have such a beauty and perfection to them they hardly look natural. There are various age old legends that justify the formation of these hills but one can just speculate.
At the time of dawn or sunset, there is a very alluring site to the Chocolate Hills. The whole area is very picturesque as the rice field s and clusters of the houses around them give a very nice view of the whole place.

7 wonders of the world, BOHOL CHOCOLATE HILLS on the 5th place

The world-renowned cone-shaped Chocolate Hills is Nature's expression of beauty, mystery and romance. Spread over the municipalities of Carmen, Sagbayan and Batuan, the Chocolate Hills is the province's signature attraction. It consists of approximately 1,268 hay cock hills with heights ranging from 40 to 120 meters. Formed centuries ago by tidal movements, the hills are considered as a National Geologic Movement. During the summers, the dome-shaped grass covered limestone hills dry up and turn brown, transforming the area into seemingly endless rows of chocolate "kisses" Two of the highest hills have been developed and provided with facilities such as a restaurant, hostel and view deck.
Legend has it that when giants live with mortals, a gentle giant fell in love with a beautiful village girl. Agoro , the giant was handsome and though a favorite among female giants, was also a loner. When everything and everybody sleeps, Arogo would sit by his favorite spot near the river to ponder or just watch the night pass by. One night while Arogo was by his spot, he noticed a beautiful native girl with hair as black as the night by the river bank. He instantly fell in love with Aluya. After that night. Arogo would always wait by his place to take a glimpse at his beloved Aluya. A rumor reached Arogo that Aluya would soon marry a man her parents chose for her. The night before Aluya's wedding, Agoro kidnapped Aluya. Seeing a giant, Aluya screamed, kicked and cried, but to no avail. Arogo was successful in abducting Aluya. In the giant's cave, Arogo tried to give Aluya food and water but the girl kept on crying. Her sadness reached her heart that she died with tears in her eyes. Arogo buried her and kept his vigil. He cried for days and months. Giant tears fell to the ground. He cried a thousand years for the loss of his love. After sometime, Arogo's tears hardened and became what we know today as Chocolate hills. The Hills were witnesses of an unrequited love of the years go by. Chocolate Hills dot the plains of Carmen, Batuan and Sagbayan. There are at least 1,776 uniform hills that leave visitors no wonder how they came to be. One could view and even count the hills its 210 feet above the ground view deck, Climbing the 214 steps of the view deck to the top is a rewarding exercise. Chocolate Hills is also cited as a Geological Movement of the country and is also known as the Eight Wonder of the World.
Bohol's Profile VISION Bohol is a prime eco-cultural tourism destination and a strong agro-industrial province with an empowered and self-reliant people who are God loving, law-abiding, proud of their cultural heritage and committed to the growth and protection of the environment.
MISSION To continuously transform its social, economic, political and cultural life through effective collaboration of people from various sectors of the province to achieve and sustain its vision.
GOALS To establish the importance and contribution of Bohol to the nation's socio-cultural and political growth and economic competitive edge. To establish sustainable eco-cultural tourism and agro-industrial sites in the province to encourage investments and employment opportunities.
To ensure sustainable growth in revenues from major industries that adhere to a sustainable framework for developing, utilizing and managing the environment and natural resources of the province.
To enrich and continuously develop the dynamic and creative Boholano culture in all municipalities and in capital city of Bohol.
To develop a well informed citizenry in healthy communities, aware and proud of its competencies that enables them to be much more productive, enterprising and participate in attaining the vision and goals of Bohol.
POWER The province is fully energized with the National Power Corporation being the sole supplier. Actual generation capability of 93.5 megawatts is supported by the following facilities : Diesel Power 18 MW Loboc Hydroelectric 1.2 Janopol Hydroelectric 1.8 Power Barge 105 10.5 Power Barge 207 30 Power Barge 101 32
The P 21 billion Leyte-Bohol interconnection will bring geothermal power of higher capacity base at 80-100 megawatts in early 1999. Power rates are then expected to be very competitive.
Industries with power requirements of at least 100 kilowatts can apply for a direct interconnection with NPC.
WATER Water supply is made available in Tagbilaran City and in the nearby municipalities on a 24-hour basis with the completion of the Tagbilaran Water Supply Project. Thirty - two (32) deep wells with submersible pumps operate at a daily capacity of 19,000 cubic meters. Several water projects are in the pipeline to respond to water requirements for both domestic and industrial use. The Central Visayas Water and Sanitation Project and the construction of Level III water systems have made available in 16 other municipalities. Likewise, the development of Ubujan Spring in Cortes with a daily capacity of 3,500 cubic meters and Loboc River which will generate at least 100,000 cubic meters daily capacity are currently being pushed.
INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES ECO-TOURISM Room Accommodation Facilities Whale Watching Marine Theme Park Sea Transport (Cruise Boats, Fast Crafts) Spelunking Mountain Resorts Golf Course Trail Biking/Trekking Tarsier Watching Facilities Restaurants/Food Outlets
AGRI-BUSINESS Post harvest facilities High value crop production Fruit/Meat processing Feed mill Aqua culture
LIGHT MANUFACTURING Precision Assembly Semi-conductors Farm implements Furniture Garment
COMPETITIVE EDGE Strategically located at the heart of Central Visayas, closest province to Cebu City Positive attitude of Local Government Units to investors Developing infrastructures Highly trainable and quality manpower pool Vast agricultural lands and rich fishing grounds Competitive manufacturing labor cost lower by 15% compared to metropolitan areas Stable peace and order situation, among the lowest crime incidence in the Visayas by 7.4% Government/private sector dynamism Less expensive industrial sites
AGRICULTURE/AQUACULTURE The province is blessed with fertile soil and bountiful sea making it the farmland and fish pen of Central Visayas. Forty-five percent of its land area is devoted to agriculture. Rice production is applied in 80, 918 hectares yielding on an average of 4.4 metric tons per hectare.
Coconut on the other hand, is grown in 63, 502 hectares. Ubi kinampay, a violet yam, is also grown. Mango is an emerging agricultural product with 120,000 fruit bearing trees and 180,000 more by the turn of the century. Mango harvest reached 422 metric tons in 1996 or an average of 1 metric ton per hectare.
Processed prawns are directly exported to Japan. Lobster, seaweeds and milk fish are likewise harvested. Seaweeds of the eucheuma variety are cultured and are marketed to Cebu for the processing into various grades of carageenan.
The northeastern strip of Bohol has been identified as viable areas for development of Special Economic Zones (SEZ's), as part of the Regional Growth Corridor (RGC). These SEZ's shall enable the province to gain economic headway as an agro-industrial center in the region. Already, areas suitable for industrial sites have been consolidated to provide easy entry for investors.
Great opportunities exist for complementation between these SEZ's and those found in the eastern coast of Cebu such as the MEPZ I and II and others.
Tagbilaran City serves as a major service center for various tourism packages in the province. Three (3) major tourism circuits have been identified that offer diverse attraction to tourists and guests.
On top of all these, the Local Government Unit is providing a vibrant atmosphere for investments in Bohol. A Provincial Investment Code is being enacted to spell investment mechanism and incentives which are investor-friendly. Special assistance and services will also be extended in the Ecozones.
The Bohol Investment Promotion Center has been set up to cater to investors' needs.
MODERN INFRASTRUCTURE AIRPORT Development programs at the city airport involve the extension of the runway length to 2,500 meters, to handle the PAL B-737s that will serve the direct route to Manila. The small Fokker 50 planes that used to fly the Manila-Tagbilaran route has been phased out. Improvement of the ramp area will soon accommodate bigger aircraft and a modern airport building will also be constructed.
SEAPORT The Tagbilaran City wharf has fine port facilities such as: 265.8 meters - berth length and 2 dedicated berths for fast boats 2 RORO ramps, 18,200 sq. m. storage area average cargo handling capacity of 49,000 tons accommodating 10 to 20 footer vans container traffic of 5, 142 TEUs A port expansion project in Tagbilaran City costing P 85 Million is being pursued for the construction of additional berthing space for fast ferries.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS Bohol is wired with the rest of the world through the state-of-the-art telephone facilities which provide domestic and international linkages. This is made possible by 3 service providers namely : PLDT, Cruztelco and Islacom. Cellular phone firms have also established entry in the province.
Access to telecommunications can also be made easily in the towns through the 138 public calling stations. Forty-three (43) pay phone stations are conveniently located in strategic places and major commercial centers in the city.
A project of Islacom involves the installation of a province-wide landline connection increasing the number of lines from 2,000 to 13,000.
Providing equally important role in Bohol's development is the telegram/telegraph and radio services sector. Presently, the Bohol Law Enforcement Communication System (BLECS), a government operated entity can access any municipality of the province with its 42 ICOM and other radio units anytime, any day. Amateur radio clubs also exist in Bohol with more than 1,000 members that have been tapped during emergencies and calamities. TELOF, RCPI, PT & T also are providing telegraph and telegram as well as long distance services in Bohol with its 14 countries scattered in the city and municipalities.
Other communication facilities of the province include 5 radio stations in the province, all privately owned and operated, 2 of which operate in the FM band. All are located in the Tagbilaran City with a maximum output capacity of 5,000 watts and within a 20-kilometer radius coverage.
Two cable stations are operating in the province. Bohol is likewise kept well informed through various newspapers and magazines available in Bohol including 3 local weeklies with a combined total circulation of 15,000 copies as well as subscriptions to 11 national dailies. Postal and messengerial services such as LBC, DHL, JRS among others, are also operating in Bohol.
ROAD SYSTEM The road network is well developed facilitating access to all barangays. The P 1.2 billion Bohol Circumferential Road Project, covering a total of 262 kilometers along the national highway, will improve the road network. Phase I of the project, which will link about the half of the province from Calape to Candijay, is ongoing.
AMENITIES Bohol has adequate accommodation facilities to offer to tourist and investors alike. In place are 6 hotels, 34 lodging/pension houses, and 39 beach resorts registered with DTI. There are about 674 rooms of varying standards. Other tourist facilities are 9 diving shops, 8 sports centers, 11 high-end diving centers and 16 centers for shopping and recreation. There are 7 establishments that can cater to conventions.
Likewise, a strong and enthusiastic banking sector has enabled the province to be at par with the rest of the urban centers in the country. There are 45 banking units providing modern banking facilities.

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